'Batman: Arkham Knight' Release Date, News: New 'Gotham Is Mine' Teaser [VIDEO]

It feels like fans have been teased for this game's release for ages now, and the new trailer does nothing to help the anticipation. The thrilling new trailer is titled "Gotham is Mine" and showcases all of the game's most impressive features, signifying why it may truly be the best within the 'Arkham' franchise.

The game's synopsis is as follows:

"In the explosive finale to the Arkham series, Batman faces the ultimate threat against the city he is sworn to protect. The Scarecrow returns to unite an impressive roster of super villains, including Penguin, Two-Face and Harley Quinn, to destroy The Dark Knight forever. Batman: Arkham Knight introduces the Batmobile to this version of the world of Gotham City, which is drivable for the first time in the franchise. The addition of this legendary vehicle, combined with the acclaimed gameplay of the Batman Arkham series, offers gamers the ultimate and complete Batman experience as they tear through the streets and soar across the skyline of the entirety of Gotham City."

It has also been revealed that the game will be the first within the series to receive a "M for Mature" rating.

The game is set to be released on June 2nd, 2015.