‘Batman: Arkham Knight’ Release Date, Comicbook Plot News: Villain Origins Revealed in New Story

A new DC comicbook will be released on July 29 of this year to tell the origins of our caped crusader's new enemy, Arkham Knight. This new story will serve as a backstory for Batman's new nemesis in Rocksteady Studio's "Batman: Arkham Knight" videogame which will be released one month ahead of the comicbook story.

The comic will be written by "Batman: Arkham Knight" comic writer Pete Tomasi along with artist Allison Borges under DC with the title "Batman: Arkham Knight-Genesis." This violent new enemy will be uncovered in this sixth issue series. However, unlike the previous comic books giving light to the game, Arkham Knight-Genesis will be published and released a month after the game.

"The opportunity is exciting, but the expectation [from fans] is off the scale. That's why working with DC is so awesome for us, because those guys are so experienced, and it's obviously something they do a lot of," Dax Ginn, Rocksteady producer, said in an interview with VG24/7. The collaboration with Rocksteady and DC has given gamers a new powerful baddie to root for along with The Joker, Scarecrow, Bane and others.

"So when the idea was on the table for us to develop our own character and introduce that into Batman's world, there was so much energy and excitement around it at Rocksteady - but we really were conscious of the value of the collaboration creatively we have with DC to make sure the gameplay role the Arkham Knight has is really reflected in his appearance and his outlook and his perspective."

Dax Ginn reassuringly tells "that this is an opportunity that doesn't come often" and that they have "nailed it with this guy."

The no-kill caped crusader, Batman, will be back to battle a similarly-looking foe in June 23, 2015 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.