'Bastard Executioner' News: Kurt Sutter Defends Show's Violence

Kurt Sutter is known to produce some of the most graphic depictions of violence on television, and it appears that his upcoming series 'Bastard Executioner' plans to continue that trend.

The series will be set in Wales during the rule of Edward I of England. It will focus on a soldier that becomes an executioner, which largely defines what most of the show will be about.

In a press tour at the TCA's, Sutter defended the show's violence by stating that it will come from a very "organic place."

"I think my mandate, as it was on Sons and it's the same for [Bastard Executioner], was that the violence, as absurd as it could be sometimes on Sons, that it always came from an organic place, and that it was never done in a vacuum," Sutter said. "Meaning that to every violent act there are ramifications... yes, it's a medieval setting, and there are laws in terms of punishment that were brutal and heinous. [But] that's a reality of the world. "

'Game of Thrones' shares a similar setting with this show and is incredibly popular despite its horrifically violent scenes and suggestive content.

"I sort of had the mandate that anything that happens - be it battle sequence, or an execution, or a torture scene - that it comes out of story, and you see the character's conflict or their non conflict in carrying forth with that violence," Sutter said. "But that it always has a ramification, whether it be an emotional ramification, the character, or somehow it impacts the narrative."

He goes on to explain why being mindful of the violence will only detract from the show's core message, which he couldn't sacrifice.

"I can't come at something with an external agenda in terms of how I make this or this or this. I feel like when I tell stories, the mythology of the world, the characters, what you're left with, what I would hope, is some sort of path to all those things. I can't think of 'how do I make this not that?' When you do that, I feel like you're f***ing with things that are important, in terms of organic storytelling. I personally can't work that way."

'The Bastard Executioner' premieres on FX on September 15, 2015.