Trending News|April 20, 2015 08:45 EDT
'Avengers: Infinity Wars' News: The Defenders Rumored to Appear in Last 'Avengers' Film
As big as Marvel's 'Avengers' movies series seems to be getting, the minds over at the comic book studio may just be getting started with their plans for 'Infinity Wars.'
While it is suspected that a lot of the Avengers characters that we know and are familiar with, won't be around for the series' final chapter, it also leaves room for a lot of new characters to come up and hold the mantle.
According to Bleeding Cool, Marvel hopes to introduce the Defenders characters in the second half of 'Infinity Wars.' This would include all the characters they are crafting currently on their Netflix platform.
"Talking of which, because #ItsAllConnected, I understand that the Netflix Defenders characters will appear in the Avengers movies - Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and Iron Fist," writes Bleeding Cool.
Currently, only the 'Daredevil' series has been released on the streaming service, but 'Luke Cage,' 'AKA Jessica Jones,' and 'Iron Fist' are soon to follow.
'Infinity Wars Part II' is slated to be released in 2019, leaving a bunch of time for the characters in that series to develop.