Trending News|May 04, 2015 08:15 EDT
'Avengers 3 Infinity War' Release Date: Movie to be Directed by Russo Brothers?
With 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' finally out in theaters, moviegoers now look toward the series' conclusion, 'Avengers: Infinity War.'
Despite it being a good couple years away, the final film has been announced to be split into two parts, with one dropping in 2018, and the next in 2019.
The number of MCU films releasing now til then will shape the new tone and face of the movie. It will likely tell a very different kind of story from the past 'Avengers' with possibly a whole new cast.
"Recent reports claim The Avengers 3 will feature a different team of heroes and given the other releases around it (i.e. Civil War and Ragnarok) that's very likely the case with lot of the familiar stars either off-earth or at least busy with other things. We had described the third team-up as a setup movie for some larger event that brings everyone and everything together - and that's exactly what Avengers: Infinity War - Part 2 represents.
"It also conveniently has two potentially very alien and other-worldly movies coming in the middle with Inhumans and Captain Marvel, both of which will deal a lot with the Kree aliens first seen in Guardians of the Galaxy," writes Screen Rant.
The movie's main villain has been revealed to be Thanos, who will be portrayed by actor Josh Brolin. The films leading up have all referenced the Infinity gems he's bent on collecting to complete his Infinity gauntlet and ultimately taking over the universe.
As far as production, it has been revealed that the Russo brothers will be directing the project, as they will with 'Captain America: Civil War.'
They also plan to shoot both movies one after the other, projecting their time filming to be nine months in total.
On that note, the crew will most likely start shooting after 'Civil War' in 2017.