'Avengers: Infinity War' Cast News: Viewers Overwhelmed To See Many Characters?

We are entering phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe with "The Avengers: Infinity War," but there's going to be a big problem for the Russo brothers who are set to handle blockbuster film - there might be too many characters. 

It might also be overwhelming for viewers to see the circa 67 main characters of Marvel (which includes both heroes and villains) altogether in a two-hour film. Heroes and villains need more screen time to emphasize their impact on the movie. Doing that for 67 characters is impossible.

It may also be a bit distracting if some would just be making cameos or "easter egg" appearences on the side. It might create some unnecessary hype that could take the attention off of what the directors and the writers of the story are trying to tell.

According to Collider, the Russo brothers corrected themselves after they initially put the number 67 in the air for characters in the upcoming superhero movie. 

"We were being figurative when we said [67 characters] and people took it as literal, but there's a lot of characters," they said.

"Infinity War is meant to be the culmination of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe up to that point. It's very ambitious in its scope, it wants to take everything that you've seen before and coalesce into some kinda of climactic ending," the Russos added.

"It's complicated, ambitious storytelling ... We're not talking about lead characters, just people that make an appearance."