In the news|April 07, 2015 02:23 EDT
'Avengers: Age of Ultron' Spoilers, News: Several TV Spot Commercials Land Ahead of Movie Release
The Avengers franchise continues, with the movie Avengers: Age of Ultron. This movie is certainly coming to theaters in the near future, but shockingly, there has been very little promotion of the movie by the studio.
There have been several commercials aired on television, but viewers say that there is not much that will get fans hooked.
According to Jo Blo: "Several new TV spots for Avengers: Age of Ultron have arrived, which offer a few moments of new footage, but nothing overly surprising unless you consider Hawkeye landing a joke to be surprising."
This next film in Marvel's Avengers is supposed to be one of this summer's biggest blockbuster films. The sequel will hit theaters in less than a month and one thing that there is a lot to know about the franchise is its marketing.
The movie is bringing with it several tie in toys, for instance action figures based on characters. These toys tell us a lot about the new movie's character designs, especially in terms of new characters such as War Machine, who will be played by Don Cheadle.
There is also a figure of Iron Man, Robert Downey Jr.'s character, in a black stealth armor which is new as well.
Some other figurines that will be featured include two versions of Ultron (James Spader), one of The Vision, played by Paul Bettany and some others of characters that viewers are already quite familiar with including Hawkeye and Captain America, portrayed by Jeremy Renner and Chris Evans, respectively.
Avengers: Age of Ultron will be in theaters on May 1st, if its prequel is any indication, this is one summer flick that you will not want to miss!