Trending News|April 13, 2015 08:39 EDT
'Avengers: Age of Ultron' Spoilers, News: Upcoming Film Won't Have Post Credits Scene?
Ever since that post credits scene at the end of the first 'Iron Man,' movie, fans of the Marvel movie franchise have learned to stick around for the sweet teaser at the end of all their films.
While this has been quite the trend in almost every Marvel film, director Joss Whedon has gone on the record with EW to confirm that this won't be the case for 'Avengers: Age of Ultron,' so viewers shouldn't hold their breath.
"We all came at it separately-we don't want to chase that. That was a jewel and a weird little quirk."
Although he does state that there will be a mid-credits tag.
"There will be a tag, But there's not a post-post-credit scene. There is nothing at the very end. And that's not a fake-out. We want people to know so they don't sit there for 10 minutes and then go: 'Son of a b****! I'll kill them!'"
There will inevitably be a bunch of viewers sitting til the very end. It's almost traditional at this point.
Whedon continues:
"The first rule of making a sequel is take the best moments and do something else. Don't do the Indiana Jones gun trick again differently. Just go somewhere else. Don't try to hit the same highs, because people will sense it."
The director also confirmed that we will not be meeting Captain Marvel as speculated in the upcoming 'Avengers' film, instead we will be introduced to another female newcomer.
'Avengers: Age of Ultron' drops into theaters May 1st.