Trending News|May 07, 2015 09:08 EDT
'Avengers: Age of Ultron' Spoilers, News: Kevin Feige Says 'Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.' Fills in Major Movie Plot Holes
'Avengers: Age of Ultron' revealed a lot of surprises in the MCU and gave fans a great film, however there were a number of plot holes that many viewers were questioning.
Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige has addressed this issue in stating that the ABC series, 'Agents of SHIELD' will fill in the unanswered questions.
"I think it's fair to say you could fill in some of those blanks in the coming weeks on Tuesday at 9," he states.
It has already been noted that the Marvel TV Universe is linked with the MCU, allowing a smooth continuity.
For those that may not know which plot holes fans are talking about, a major one has been described below:
"To recap, in Avengers: Age of Ultron, Nick Fury comes to Hawkeye's house to reassess the situation between Ultron and the Avengers. He then goes off, promising some kind of help, and disappears for a good chunk of the movie. He later reappears with a working Helicarrier, thought lost in the HYDRA take over of S.H.I.E.L.D," writes Slash Film.
While last week's episode served to set up the events leading up to 'Age of Ultron,' Feige has hinted that we should see how that SHIELD operation with Nick Fury began.
"Since it didn't happen last week, maybe it happens this week. Maybe next. But according to Feige, we'll get a storyline on the show that'll cover where Fury goes to get the Helicarrier that he brings in to aid the Avengers in their climactic battle with Ultron," writes Slash Film.