Trending News|May 27, 2016 09:29 EDT
'Attack On Titan' Season 2 Release Date: Next Season Delayed? January 2017 Release Date Eyed
Despite high calls of bringing "Attack on Titan" back on board with its second season, fans of the popular anime series might have to deal with a new mind game yet again as the anime's creators recently announced another deferment in its release.
"Attack on Titan" season 2 was originally slated for release in mid-April of this year, but it was moved back due to shortage of content. Just recently, Spanish anime distributor Selecta Vision announced that the anime will air in January 2017 instead, but considering the seemingly endless delays for the past months, fans can only hope so much.
The first season of the series aired in 2013 and received favorable reviews from viewers and critics. Owing to its success, fans have since then anticipated the release of its sequel. However, its April 2016 release did not come about as the team needed more time to build on the story arc presented in the manga. According to the creators of the series, the manga should get ahead of the anime by at least four story arcs.
Selecta Vision's marketing director Manu Guerrero shared that it was "Attack on Titan" executive producer Kodansha who confirmed the new release date of the series. He said Guerrero revealed the information after they talked about the rights to air the sequel.
"Attack on Titan" season 2 is currently in production, but none of the people and studios behind the series has made any official announcement about the new postponement of its release. Since the first season, the hiatus has already reached its two-year timeframe and fans have already grown weary of the long wait.