Trending News|February 24, 2015 08:26 EST
'Assassin's Creed: Unity' New Patch 05 News: Ubisoft Updates PS4, Xbox One, & PC Versions
Ubisoft released Patch 05 for Assassin's Creed Unity yesterday, February 19, for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The game was getting a lot of negative feedback as far as some of the in-game play features were concerned so the new patch was a great relief to those who play the game.
Players were constantly hounding Ubisoft for them having to do extra things in order to unlock chests within the game, which released in November of last year. In the game, there are many treasure chests. Normally, players could simply open them without any hassle. However, unlocking treasure chests, especially those had unique items and costumes, in Assassin's Creed Unity required players to connect to the Companion App on their iOS, Android or Windows smartphone or to the game's website called Initiates.
These features caused many problems within the games as users experienced frustration with the Companion App and Initiates website syncing up with the game.
The company said on their website, "We will be unlocking all content exclusive to Initiates and the Companion App, including both blue and gold chests. Players can still progress on the Companion App; they just will no longer be required to complete content to unlock in-game chests."
Other issues were solved as with the new patch including the "Find Leon" objective in the Dead Kings expansion, which was all but unplayable as players noticed that the object did not spawn sometimes. Patch 05 also fixed gear and outfit rewards getting relocked, host and client replication, notification problems, minor navigation issues, and companion synchronization issues.
The patch became available for the PC version of Assassin's Creed Unity on February 20.