‘Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China’ Release, Price & Plot News: New AC Game Launches Today

Excited fans can now play as Shao Jun in Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China available on Xbox One, PS4, Steam, and U Play for a price of $9.99.

The game is quite different from the other franchise as it will be running on a 2.5 D plane which relies on side-scrolling to different Chinese landmarks battle scenes.

The step-back style for the game has been well-received by many testers. But according to VG 24/7: "Critics seem to have liked the stripped back approachability of the game's stealth and assassination systems, but disliked how long it takes to get your hands on enough tools to be creative in your approach, and found little replay value."

The latest release is the first part of the series which includes China, India, and Russia. It follows the story of Shao Jun in 1526 China.

"Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China takes place in China, 1526, as the Ming dynasty starts to crumble. You embody Shao Jun, the last remaining Assassin of the Chinese Brotherhood, returning to her homeland with a vendetta. Newly trained by the legendary Ezio Auditore, she is hell-bent on exacting vengeance and restoring her fallen Brotherhood.

Brought to life by fusing the essence of Chinese 16th century traditional brush strokes with more contemporary, impressionistic styles, Shao Jun's adventure will keep you awed in an evocative and truly living painting.

"Switch between fore, mid and background environmental layers and choose between different path accordingly to your need: opening up new pathways, completing side-missions, grabbing hidden collectibles, or taking the quickest path to your target," said Ubisoft.