'Arrow' & 'The Flash' Spin-Off Series News: Dominic Purcell Reprises Role as Heat Wave

Some more news arrives from Deadline pertaining to the upcoming CW spin-off series that was announced featuring actors Brandon Routh, Wentworth Miller, Victor Garber, and Caity Lotz.

On that note, the superhero team-up spin-off has added another character from 'The Flash' series. Joining Miller will be Dominic Purcell reprising his role as Heat Wave. The two actors also worked together on the Fox series 'Prison Break'.

"Routh and Garber also are set to reprise their popular Arrow/Flash characters - Arrow's Ray Palmer/The Atom (Routh) and Flash's Dr. Martin Stein (Garber). Because her Arrow character Sara Lance was killed off, with her sister Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy) taking over as the Black Canary, it is still TBD whether Lotz will play the same or new superhero on in the spinoff," writes Deadline.

This now only leaves the reveal for the three major DC comic characters that have "not previously been featured on a TV series."

The spin-off is slated as early a midseason launch next season.