'Arrow' Season 4 Premiere Spoilers: H.I.V.E. Storyline to Get More Spotlight in Upcoming Episodes

With just few episodes of the 'Arrow' Season 3 remaining, fans of this television drama, based on DC Comics' 'Arrow', are eager to know more about the upcoming season's premiere.

According to Christian Today, earlier this year, the CW announced that the show would be renewed for another season, but did not offer much detail regarding what the fans could expect from the upcoming Season 4. Nevertheless, one of the earliest spoilers of 'Arrow' Season 4 claimed that the showrunners will further explore the H.I.V.E. storyline when the show returns with a new season later this year.

The showrunners introduced the highly-confidential criminal organization for the first time in the pilot episode of 'Arrow' and was touched it lightly during the second season. Nevertheless, the H.I.V.E., which stands for Hierarchy of International Vengeance and Extermination, received a more important story arc in Season 3. In the episode titled 'Suicide Tendencies,' fans saw that the organization killed John Diggle's (David Ramsey) brother Andy (Eugene Byrd).

In a recent interview with E! News, Ramsey shared some information regarding the H.I.V.E. storyline in season 4.

The actor said, "From my understanding, H.I.V.E. is going to be a big part of next season's big baddie. We are going to delve right into why H.I.V.E. hired Deadshot to kill Andy and what H.I.V.E. is all about to begin with. There will be a lot of Diggle's connection to H.I.V.E. next season so stay tuned."

In the meantime, Melty reported several speculations recently claiming that actor Colton Hayes may not return to the show in Season 4. These rumors gained ground when a photograph of the cast members was taken while working on the table read for the epic Season 3 finale, and Hayes' character Roy Harper was not seen anywhere. This has led fans to wonder whether Roy will die in the current season after masquerading as Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) and being battered in prison.

In addition, it is possible that Oliver may be facing a bigger nemesis in 'Arrow' Season 4, and it will be called 'Damian Dark.'

As of now the precise date of 'Arrow' Season 4 premiere has not been announced, but it is expected to occur later this year.