Trending News|May 04, 2015 09:48 EDT
'Arrow' Season 3 Spoilers: Oliver Queen & Felicity Smoak's Romance Crumbles?
In Episode 21 of the third season of Arrow, fans who have been hoping that Oliver Queen, played by Stephen Amell, and Felicity Smoak, portrayed by Emily Bett Rickards, would get together were probably quite disappointed. Fans have been waiting to see this relationship form for a long time.
The couple became intimate recently, which gave viewers hope that there would be a long term relationship coming for them, but at the end of episode 21, a surprise twist made this outcome highly unlikely.
During the episode, Oliver accepted Ra's Al Ghul's proposal to become Al Sah-Him, Wareeth al Ghul, which was shocking. This would mean that he would be Ra's successor, eventually becoming the leader of the League of Assassins.
Throughout the whole episode, Oliver was following his boss' orders, which were to find out where exactly Nyssa al Ghul is.
Oliver, who is brainwashed, was able to track down Nyssa, who is the only person threatening his new status, and he brought her to Ra's at Nanda Parbat.
Instead of killing her, Ra' came up with a different plan in order to keep the peace within the League of Assassins. He decided that Oliver and Nyssa should be married.
Of course, in the next episode, episode 22, Felicity will not react well to this news. She may even be in such a state of shock, that she does not believe it.
The promotional video for the episode shows that Felicity thinks that Malcolm Merlyn is lying when he brings her the news.
The trailer also shows that Oliver is going to Starling City on Ra's direction again to "bring death to Starling City."