In the news|May 11, 2015 10:46 EDT
'Arrow' Season 3 Episode 22 Recap: Team Arrow Faces Troubles After Al-Sah-Him in 'This is Your Sword'
At the end of Episode 22 of Season 3 of Arrow, Oliver, now Al Sah-Him, is wedded to Nyssa. The episode is entitled "This is Your Sword," and it focuses on the scars that Team Arrow sustained after dealing with Al Sah-Him last week.
The episode begins with Ra's al Ghul revealing the fact that Maseo offered him the Alpha/Omega virus when he first joined the League, and Oliver is shocked by this.
Later on, Nyssa, his bride to be, joins him and Ra's for dinner and she is upset about the arranged marriage.
When she thinks things couldn't get any worse, Ra's tells her that she will be expected to bear Oliver's children and that the matter is not up to her at all.
Oliver takes a walk and meets up with Malcolm and they come to the realization that the upcoming weddings mean that they are running out of time to bring down the League from within.
Meanwhile, Team Arrow is still upset at what Oliver did in order to sell his involvement with the Dark Side. Diggle is angry at him and takes it out on a gang member and Felicity grieves the death of the Oliver that she once knew.
Malcolm reveals the plan that he and Oliver have been attempting to carry out and tells them about the Alpha/Omega virus.
None of them believe him, so Malcolm calls in Tatsu, who talks them into going to Nanda Parbat to save the city of Starling, but not to help Oliver.