'Arrow' Season 3 Episode 18 Promo, Live Stream Link: Series Permanently Changes After 'Public Enemy' [VIDEO]

Fans cannot wait to catch tonight's episode of 'Arrow' on The CW, as it's supposed to be severely important in the development of the series. Even Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim went ahead and said that 'Arrow' will be different following Episode 18, 'Public Enemy'.

First and foremost, and according to ComicBook, Guggenheim said that 'Arrow' fans can expect some permanent changes to go down in tonight's episode, but what that means, is still uncertain. In an interview, Guggenheim said "After this episode, the show will literally never be the same," adding, "Let me repeat, the show will never be the same."

However, for fans of 'Arrow' it's not hard to believe that since Captain Lance is on a serious mission to get to Oliver Queen, there's a good chance that he'll be stirring something up.

For those that don't know, Captain Lance thinks that Arrow killed the mayor, which is pretty bad considering he was already quite suspicious of the bow wielding crime fighter in the first place.

Stepping into a quick synopsis for 'Arrow' Season 3 Episode 18 'Public Enemy', ComicBook writes:

"During an attack on the mayor's office, Ray (Brandon Routh) is critically injured. Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) is pleasantly surprised when her mother, Donna Smoak (guest star Charlotte Ross), shows up at the hospital to offer her support. With the SCPD out in full force looking for the assailant, Oliver (Stephen Amell) and his team work hard to stay one step ahead of the police to find the man responsible. However, things come to a head when Ra's al Ghul (guest star Matt Nable) kidnaps Captain Lance (Paul Blackthorne)."

Last but not least, be sure to check out the latest promo video for tonight's episode below, and for a live stream link click here.