Trending News|May 26, 2015 10:37 EDT
'Arrow' New Cast News: 'Suicide Squad' Film Ruins Hope for Harley Quinn Character in Series
CW's 'Arrow' was the first live action medium to bring the Suicide Squad to the fans. Once it was announced that Warner Bros. was releasing an official movie based off the comic book series, it wasn't clear as to how the the television series would carry on with featuring the characters.
It was later revealed that the show would be able use some of the characters in the series, but then there were some that would be discontinued. This included Harley Quinn, a character that the show featured in a very brief teaser of season 2.
In a press conference with Willa Holland at MCM London, it was revealed that the show actually had some big plans regarding the Harley Quinn character. Fans were delighted to see her featured and apparently so were the producers, however the production of the movie prevented them from going further.
Holland stated:
"We had big plans for Harley. But, I guess something came down from DC execs that told us to shut it down. I mean we had that tease with the pigtails and the ARGUS outfit but, we'll never see it. We would love to Harley in Arrow but it will never happen."
The specific plans they had with the character weren't discussed.
The DC TV and movie universes are totally separate, so featuring them on both mediums with different actors wouldn't have caused any inconsistencies. Warner Bros. likely didn't want to confuse fans or force comparisons with the actors.
Actress Margot Robbie is set to portray the character in 'Suicide Squad' on August 5, 2016.