'Aquaman' Cast News: Jason Momoa Talks Movie Role and Zack Snyder Released Teaser Photo

The picture of actor Jason Momoa as Aquaman surprised fans and unexpectedly surprised Momoa as well, as the actor didn't know Zack Snyder was planning on releasing that yet.

In a recent interview with EW, Momoa speaks about his reaction:

"That was a shocker for sure. It was supposed to be a surprise in 2016, so it definitely helps [The Red Road]. I've been holding that secret for a long time. Zack Snyder called me up and said, 'I'm posting this picture now.' He's just a genius and I love him to death. He sent it over and we're in the middle of the editing suite for the thing I'm doing right now, and we all freaked out, man. It was so amazing to see it come out."

When asked if he has shot any action scenes for the 'Batman V Superman' film he answers:

"No, we haven't done too much on the action yet. You know, Justice League is still quite a ways away. But I'm looking forward to it. Henry's a sweetheart, Ben is a bada**, so I'm really looking forward to when we all shoot Justice League."

Momoa also went into the mythology of his character.

"The whole mythology of Aquaman is pretty amazing. There's so many things to tell, and there's a whole backstory that's just amazing. There's a lot of surprises coming. I think, yeah, he's been cast aside. But, um [laughs] times are going to change now, buddy."