Apple VR News, Specs Rumors: Tim Cook to Come Up With VR Tech After Oculus' Rumors?

On the heels of Oculus Rift Founder Palmer Luckey blasting Apple computers' backward specs, CEO Tim Cook remains coy amid all the news and rumors about a secret mission to come up with a VR device exclusive to the company.

The news about Apple developing its own VR was reported last month as Wall Street Journal quoted Jeremy Bailenson, Virtual Human Interaction Lab director at Stanford University, as saying that reps from Apple have visited their facilities.

He said technicians from Apple were sent to Standford three times since December of last year.

"They come and they don't say a word, but there's a data point for you," Bailenson added.

Apple CEO Tim Cook, meanwhile, refused to be baited into admitting they are working on VR tech amid all the news reports surrounding their latest project.

Back in February, Cook seems to hint that Apple VR might not be a priority.

"In terms of VR, I don't think it's a niche. It's really cool and has some interesting applications," he said.

Oculus Rift Founder Palmer Luckey earlier ripped Apple for not making good computers to support their device.

 "It just boils down to the fact that Apple doesn't prioritize high-end GPUs," he told Shack News on Apple VR partnership. "You can buy a $6,000 Mac Pro with the top of the line AMD FirePro D700, and it still doesn't match our recommended specs."

"So if they prioritize higher-end GPUs like they used to for a while back in the day, we'd love to support Mac. But right now, there's just not a single machine out there that supports it," Luckey added.