Apple TV Subscription Service Temporarily On Hold, Channels, Cost, And Truth Behind?

A few year ago, Apple TV was first introduced with the late Apple CEO Steve Jobs on the lead. "Finally cracked" as he commented on one of the interviews by Walter Isaacson. But such big and ambitious plan by Jobs seems to be temporarily on hold.

IB Times reported that CBS who is interested to be in partnership with Apple TV says that Apple will hold on the plans for a moment due to some problem when it comes to price. In an anonymous source says that Apple planned to sell 14 channels for $30- $40 per month. But the problem lies to the fact that a typical cable connection will only cost $85 a month, which makes other cable company providers cancelled the deal with Apple.

On the other hand, Tim Cook says that Apple introduces an alternative for the benefit of the subscribers as it was issued that they have troubled in coming up with viable channels. For this reason, an app was made available, as Cook says "apps are the future of TV".

Despite of the existing problem that Apple TV is facing right now, CBS Chief Executive Officer Les Moonves believes that Cook and the rest of the Apple team will surpass the problem. As it was proven in the past how Apple established and made their way again on top, surely it will happen again.

Moonves added that people will realize then that Apple TV is still of great benefit when it comes to clarity of the channels. In addition, he says that people can pick the channels that they just want for affordability's sake.