'Ant-Man' News: Peyton Reed Reveals Talks About Edgar Wright's Version

Director Edgar Wright dropping out of the 'Ant-Man' film was a huge blow to fans that were highly anticipating his take on the less familiar superhero, although thanks to the positive return the movie has been getting, fans now have faith that things didn't totally take a turn for the worst.

Peyton Reed's version of the movie may have been a successful route, but there are still a lot of fans that want to know what exactly was left in and taken out of Wright's version of the film.

Thanks to a recent interview with Uproxx, Reed has finally come forth to reveal some key parts that were left in from Wright's run. He first addressed what it was like taking over the project:

"I think I just had to really think it through in terms of, regardless of who had developed it before, was just that someone else had developed it for some time. For me, it was really only a question of do I have the time and is there a willingness on the part of Marvel to let me make this movie my own. I read all of the existing drafts that Edgar [Wright] and Joe [Cornish] wrote. It was clearly Edgar and Joe's idea to make this a heist movie and to sort of loosely base it on Marvel Premiere "To Steal an Ant-Man" that introduced Scott Lang. It was also their idea to create this Hank Pym/Scott Lang, mentor/mentee relationship. And, also, their idea to kind of do a Marvel movie where the third act battle take place in a little girl's bedroom. Genius. It was great."

He goes on to state what he added to the film:

"Well, I came on about the same time that Adam McKay and Rudd were doing rewrites. And I've known McKay for some time and we talked on the phone and we were both really jazzed about the idea of, in the third act, in a movie in which we will have seen shrinking a bunch, let's take it even further in the third act and introduce what, in the comics, was the microverse, in what we call the quantum realm. Creating this moment of self-sacrifice where he has to go into the quantum realm to save his daughter, that was something that was never in those drafts that Adam and I brought to it."

'Ant-Man' premieres in theaters on July 17.