Trending News|June 29, 2015 09:42 EDT
'Ant-Man' Cast News: Evangeline Lilly Talks Hope Van Dyne
'Ant-Man' arrives in theaters soon, and fans are still in the dark about a lot of aspects, mainly about the supporting characters. Evangeline Lilly plays Hope Van Dyne, the daughter of Hank Pym in the movie.
She recently held an interview with Collider and spoke a lot about what viewers can expect from her portrayal in the film.
In this, she explains how her character feels that Scott Lang received the Ant-Man suit from her father instead of her:
"When we begin the film, Janet Van Dyne is not alive. She's lost her mother. That marks the character in a way that affects everything she does. Her mother has become a figure in her mind more than a human being, and I think that she has always suffered from that loss and not having that presence, that female figure in her life."
She goes on say how much she enjoyed what Marvel did with 'Captain America: Winter Soldier,' and how it told a story on politics. She confirms that 'Ant-Man' will do the same:
"Well, I think this film is more focused on emotion than politics because it is so focused on father/daughter relationships. There of course are political messages in the film, and I think the main one is, 'Is there such a thing as absolute power that is non-corruptible?' And of course the answer is no, there isn't, and therefore absolute power is nothing but terrifying and dangerous. We explore the idea of 'can't you put power in the hands of good people and then it's OK?' I think in the film the message is, 'No, actually, there's no such thing as a totally good person.' There is a little bit of evil in all of us, and it's very easy to draw that out."
Lilly also answers if she knows how her character will play out later in the MCU:
"Well they always make you sign multi-picture deals, and that always gives you an idea. I know that, for example, Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne were the founding members of the Avengers. They created the name, they got the people together; that was their baby. So I'm assuming Ant-Man is going to show up in a Marvel movie along the way. Does that mean Hope will? Not necessarily. Maybe. I think the 'Avengers' films are great, they're such a ride, and the universe of Marvel."
'Ant-Man' arrives in theaters July 17.