Android Wear Latest News: Google to Roll Out Update with Wi-Fi Support & New Wrist Gesture Command

Google has announced that it will bring its Android Wear software for smartwatches up to date with a view to incorporate a concealed Wi-Fi feature, in addition to introducing a latest gesture command in an upcoming version of the software.

According to a report, while the Mountain View, California-based tech titan has not announced the precise timeline for the update, it is likely to be available on all existing Android Wear devices, counting the Moto 360 and Huawei Watch.

IB Times reports that the upcoming Android Wear version will allow Wi-Fi on smartwatches having the required hardware, provided Bluetooth is unavailable. Quoting an unidentified source, The Verge claims that Google Now cards, as well as smartphone notifications, will be functional over Wi-Fi despite a smartphone not being within range.

According to the report, the wireless connectivity will help untether smartwatches powered by Google from their Android counterparts, particularly for apps such as Hangouts and Gmail, thereby allowing users to read messages as well as check email even without a smartphone, but provided they have Wi-Fi.

What is more, the upcoming Android Wear update will also enable users to scroll through cards as well as mobile notifications just using a flick of the wrist, rather than touching the screen of their device with their free hand. In addition, the wearable platform from the tech titan will also be modified with a view to facilitate accessing apps and contacts.

However, the update will be a minor one and it comes in the wake of Google's rival Apple Inc. announcing its own Apple Watch, which, according to analysts, will take the major share of the smartwatch market. Analysts also feel that the Apple Watch will also enhance the sales of Android Wear devices, as increasing number of consumers will be interested in this product category.