Android Nougat 7.0 Release Date, News: Compatible With Sony's Xperia Z Series, Averts Data Corruption?

In line with the release of the Android Nougat, also known as Android N, it is revealed that the operating system update demonstrates compatibility with Sony's Xperia Z series. Also, updates on the developer preview and corruption issues have surfaced.

The Android Nougat is set to meet the Sony Xperia Z series, as per Christian Today. According to the publication, Sony's top Xperia Z series handheld devices are the ones to receive the update first. In addition, Android N running in the latest Xperia Z series smartphones is viable, as the tech giant unleashes a wave of Android updates to the majority of its flagship devices.

It is further revealed that the Xperia Z5 is assumed as the first to receive the Android Nougat, among the Xperia Z mobile phones. It is set to be followed by the Xperia Z4, Xperia Z3, and then the others. Some theories revealed that the Sony devices that have the Marshmallow update will get the Android Nougat, which means the Xperia Z and Xperia Z1 will not be having the forthcoming update.

In other news, malwares have been revealed as threat to the Android Nougat's integrity. In a statement, as cited by 9 to 5, a device with a corrupt boot image or verified partition would not boot. The device could boot, but in a limited capacity with user content. It is added that with firmer methods of malware checking, non-malicious data corruption could begin affecting process functionality.

To prevent the annoyance given by the malware, Google revealed that Android Nougat has the capacity to safeguard the device's data with a code. As per the tech giant, this is a method called interleaving, which lets the device recuperate from a loss of 4kb source block to consecutive blocks. It also decreases the space needed to obtain error connection.

For the time being, Android N is assumed to be released in the late 2016 or in early 2017.