Android 5.1 Lollipop Update on Nexus 5, 6, and 9 Release Date News: Update Likely to be Tested First

Android users, and those thinking about what device to purchase next, may want to look at the new Nexus 5, 6, and 9 as it has been speculated that the new Android 5.1 Lollipop update may likely be tested on those devices.

As Android doesn't really want to change that much on its traditions like prioritizing Nexus as the device which first gets the update, this month as the new Android update is on its way to be released, reports claim that it will more likely be in the Nexus devices first than the others.

Although Android hasn't officially made a statement announcing where the update will first be tested, many are already anxious if indeed the new update will be on Nexus 5, 6 and 9. Meanwhile, while the fans and consumers wait for the announcement, it has been reported that impressive new features are added to the update.

The new Android 5.1 Lollipop is said to have greatly improved compared to Android 5.0 as it reportedly now features that are absent in its predecessor like the option for adding a silent mode, an even more stable system as well as an improved RAM and battery management,

The Android OS update this year is reported to have a resolution of sudden app closures and excessive consumption of network devices while using Wi-Fi. This is said to be of big help since many Android users have been complaining about the features of Android 5.0.

Another update for the Android users is that they will now be able to choose right away the network they want to connect to as users will be able to view a list of Wi-Fi networks or Bluetooth devices around them by simply tapping the words Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. The update gives users an easier access of the functions by pressing the icons.