Trending News|April 04, 2013 05:23 EDT
American Idol: Kree Harrison Rocks The House Despite Injury
During last night's Top 7 American Idol performance the girls dominated as usual.
Kree Harrison wowed the Idol judges with her version of Janis Joplin's "Piece of My Heart". Though the 22-year old delivered a moving performance the Tennessean tried her best not to move a muscle.
The Idol judges, with the exception of one, were full of praise.
Randy Jackson marked Kree Harrison's performance as tbe true beginning of the episode.
'I feel like the show finally started tonight,' he said. 'That's how you come out and rock the stage. I love seeing this bluesy side of you.
'This girl can sing. She's in it to win it!'
Keith Urban was the only Idol judge to pick up on the singer's discomfort. He even questioned Kree's choice of shoes, citing her high-heel boots as the source of her awkward stage presence.
'I have a pinched nerve,' Kree confessed, before saying she could barely move her arm up and down.
'This is me giving you my all with my pinched nerve. I was hoping you wouldn't be able to tell.'
'I knew something was going on,' said Keith. 'Ten out of 10 for your professionalism, Kree.'
After the injury revelation, Nicki Minaj fell even more in love with Kree Harrison.
'Girl, you could have had a pinched nerve, got on my nerve, got on several nerves. That was magnificent Miss Lady,' said Nicki Minaj.
'You're stunning. It's so natural. I think your voice was unmatched, I'm just obsessed with you.
Tune in for tonight's Top 7 results American Idol episode to see which guy gets the boot. Let's face it, the girls are here to stay.