'Agent Carter' Season 2 News: Howard Stark Confirmed to Return in Second Season

In a recent interview with Den of Geek, Peggy Carter actress Haley Atwell confirms the return of a favorite character, as well as revealing some more details on the anticipated second season of 'Agent Carter.'

For all the fans that were wondering, Dominic Cooper will be back to reprise his role as Howard Stark in the upcoming season. He carried a fairly small role in the first season due to time constraints, and despite his schedule still being pretty packed for the upcoming year, he'll still be back.

On the direction the series will be taking next season, Atwell states:

"I've not started work on it yet, but it's been written. I do know that, one thing they have decided, is that it's going to be set a year later. So it's 1947, it's going to be set in L.A., and I keep on thinking about L.A. Confidential, that kind of film noir, which would be great.

"And I think there will be a new romantic interest, um, and then I think there might also be... Well, there will be, repetition of characters. So Jarvis and Howard will be there with us again. Yeah, we can't have a show without those guys."

She goes on to speak on her character:

"...she'll have to start all over again, probably! I mean, I don't think it's the end for her, in terms of the struggles working in a male-dominated environment back in the forties. I think that's going to be an on-going thing.

"And there'll be a new nemesis, and a new female character, strong female characters. It'd be nice to - I'd like to - strengthen her friendship with Angie a little bit more, and explore that.

"Because it's really refreshing that you get two female characters on screen who are not competitive with each other, or they're not talking about the guys that they like. It's quite nice to have that, so I hope that they reinforce that a little bit more."