Trending News|February 13, 2015 10:48 EST
'Agent Carter' Episode 7 Spoilers: Peggy at the Strategic Scientific Reserve [PROMO VIDEO]
The penultimate episode of 'Agent Carter' will be aired this week, but the action packed adventure of Peggy, portrayed by Hayley Atwell, will be receding. Throughout the season, Peggy has been busy trying to prove that despite being a female, she can be a real asset to the Strategic Scientific Reserve. However, the ordeal experienced by her in the last episode has reduced her chances for making amends, says Christian Post.
The synopsis for 'Agent Carter' Episode 7 titled "Snafu" reads,"Peggy is cornered and more vulnerable than ever as Leviathan makes their move against her. As the SSR zeroes in on Howard Stark, they may pay the ultimate price as they find their true enemy is closer than they realized."
The video trailer for the upcoming episode shows that her workmates handcuff Peggy and they are questioning her to bring out the truth from her. While Peggy continues to sneak into the affairs of her colleagues at Strategic Scientific Reserve, she also fights to earn their trust. But the main question is whether or not her coworkers are still going to believe her.
In the promo, fans will also see a dangerous blast at the Strategic Scientific Reserve headquarters and will be eager to know if there are any major casualties.
Marvel Cinematic Universe was the first to bring 'Marvel's Agent Carter' to the small screen wherein initially Atwell portrayed the role in the 'Captain America: The First Avenger' as well as 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier' films.
In the television drama series on ABC, Carter is shown as being tapped by Howard Stark, portrayed by Dominic Cooper, to work for him on a string of secret missions with a view help him come clear from a crime, which he did not commit. In order to help Start, Carter needs to carry on with administrative work for the Strategic Scientific Reserve to conceal her actual mission.
In her mission, Carter is helped Edwin Jarvis (James D' Archy), who is Stark's trusted butler. He helps Carter to accomplish all her tasks. On the other hand, the butler has been maintaining a steady communication between Carter and Stark.
After "Snafu," which airs on ABC on Tuesday, Feb. 17, there will be only one episode of 'Agent Carter' this season. As of now, neither Marvel nor ABC has confirmed whether or not the show will be renewed for a second season.