Artists|August 04, 2018 02:02 EDT
Acclaimed Singer-Songwriter John Chisum Leading Worship This Weekend At Billy Graham Training Center Seminar
Internationally acclaimed worship leader and songwriter John Chisum returning this weekend to The Cove in Asheville, N.C., to lead worship for the seminar, "How To Be Right Without Being Insufferable." The event takes place Aug. 3-5 and is led by popular author, seminary professor, and radio personality Steve Brown at the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove.
According to Brown, America has gone through a "seismic shift" in our lifetime, "as evidenced by the apathy and sometimes outright hostility toward Christians and their beliefs." However, he adds, "the Gospel is the best thing to ever happen to human beings; it's the unbelievably good news of God's love and forgiveness.
The seminar, "How To Be Right Without Being Insufferable," is designed to teach believers how to avoid the pride and damage to relationships that being right can bring by exploring biblical ways to speak truth to the world and still be heard.
"It's always such a privilege to lead worship at The Cove and to participate in the ongoing legacy of one of the world's greatest and most respected leaders, the Reverend Billy Graham," Chisum says. "His grandson, Will Graham, is carrying on this ministry without missing a beat and is often on hand to greet people as each event begins. There's a tremendous atmosphere of worship there and I'm always refreshed after leading."

Chisum has been known in the Christian music world for over three decades as an in-demand worship leader, prolific songwriter and publishing executive with Integrity Music and Star Song Media, developing and shepherding the careers of songwriters such as Don Moen, Paul Baloche, and many more.
Currently Managing Partner of Nashville Christian Songwriters (NCS), Chisum is working to develop the next generation of Christian songwriters.

More information about The Cove and its upcoming seminars and other events can be found at Follow BREATHEcast for the latest news about Chisum, or visit his official website for more information and follow him on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.