Trending News|April 14, 2015 01:38 EDT
65-Year-Old Woman Pregnant with Quadruplets: Annegret Raunigk's Big Family Addition
Recent reports stemming from Berlin, Germany say that, Annegret Raunigk, a 65-year old school teacher, with 13 children from 5 different fathers is pregnant once again with quadruplets and is due in the next four months.
Raunigk, who is now on her second trimester, said that she decided to have a new addition to her big family because her youngest daughter Leila, 9 years old, had requested to have a baby sister or brother.
Famous German newspaper Bild am Sonntag reports the quadruplets pregnancy on the frontpage of their newspaper with an interview of Raunigk after she learned about her pregnancy from her doctors.
"Certain it was a shock for me. After the doctor said there were four, I had to give it some thought to begin with. On the scan it was clear to see," Bild quoted her.
This isn't the first time that the 65-year old caught the media's attention in Germany. She was reported to be the oldest mother at 55 giving birth to Leila. Considering her extreme age in regards to pregnancy, Raunigk has received various criticisms especially about her health. But she says she has been open-minded to this situation especially with the number of family members, and notably her eldest daughter is 44 years old. On that note, she will have 17 children in total by July or August.
"Any pregnancy of a woman over age 45 has to be considered a high-risk pregnancy, over 60 this is naturally extreme," says Dr. Holger Stepan, Head of Obstetrics at the University of Liepzing to the DPA news agency, "The 65-year old body is definitely not designed to carry a pregnancy, not of one child and certainly not of quadruplets."
Raunigk defended her decision and told Bild, "How does one have to behave at 65? They can see it how they want to and I'll see it the way I think is right."
The 65-year old mother of 13 has had an IVF procedure in Ukraine because Germany does not allow this procedure just yet. The embryos were then implanted successfully into her womb and have developed normally.
She further tells the media that she was not scared of the burden that she would face especially in caring for very young children at the age of 70 and beyond.