5 Hymns that Received a 'Hipster Rock' Remix (VIDEO)

This generation has had a nostalgic return to the classic hymns people sang in church as children, and now artists have found a way to give hymns new life infusing the classic melodies with a new folk and alternative sound that is associated with the hipster trend. Here are a few staple hymns that are part of this rebirth.

"Nothing But The Blood" by All Sons and Daughters

The All Sons and Daughters duo reused this familiar tune, and added their own blend of folk worship to make this track sound fresh and pure.

"You are My Vision" by The Rend Collective Experiment

This large group of musicians hailing from the United Kingdom have given this hymn a modern folk update with their unique genre bending signature style.

"In Christ Alone" by King's Kaleidoscope

King's Kaleidoscope who are affiliated with the Mars Hill Label, almost work exclusively on hymns by adding new depth with an alternative gritty sound that caters more to a rock crowd, but still provides the impact of the hymn.

"Amazing Grace" by Citizens

Another band from the Mars Hill Label, Citizens was able to rejuvenate this classic song and make it their own while keeping the integrity of the original.

"How Great Thou Art" by The Digital Age

The Digital Age is the next step for The David Crowder band once Crowder decided to step down. By simply adding an alternative sound with effected sounds and some electronic techniques, they kept this classic hymn sounding inspired while modernizing it.

What are some of your favorite hymns or worship songs that received the "hipster" treatment. Sound off below and share!