BC News|June 30, 2014 02:51 EDT
5 Crossover Christian Bands Making a Difference in Mainstream Music – Switchfoot, Skillet, and More (VIDEOS)
Christian music is often viewed on a lower scale than mainstream music, but every once in awhile a Christian band cuts through the "label" and makes an impact on radio and in secular music markets. The following five bands did just that.

P.O.D. (Payable on Death), has represented Jesus since their first album in 1994, Snuff the Punk. The band has unabashedly penned songs for Christ, and have spread their testimony every chance they had. They are one of the more prominent bands in Christian music with hits such as "Alive," "Youth of a Nation," and "Boom."
Frontman Sonny, is part of a ministry called the Whosoevers, and spreads the Gospel to youth around the country. The band's newest album Murdered Love represents Christ's sacrifice on the cross and how Jesus came to love, but was murdered for our sins.

Starting out as a death metal band in their church, the band grew to incorporate more styles of metal and rock as they went along, all the while professing imagery of Jesus in their music. Much of their music was implied to be for the Lord, but blatant songs like "Some Will Seek Forgiveness, Others Escape" and "Too Bright to See, Too Loud to Hear" have undeniable cries to the Lord.
Underoath broke up last year, but their legacy toward helping Christians make an impact in the mainstream metal/hardcore scene is still evident today as many bands were birthed from their sound.

Skillet began in 1996 and were around many years before they hit success with 2003's Collide. From there the band has produced a number of popular albums including their smash 2013 project Rise.
The band has always covered topical issues such as depression, anger, abuse, and even suicide. They provide a positive outcome for some of life's toughest problems, and have always directed their music to the Lord.

Like Skillet, Switchfoot is a band creeping up on their 20th year as a rock group and had a slow start as well. However, it was their inclusion on a number of tracks in the movie A Walk to Remember that helped them catapult into the mainstream. After the film, their smash single "Meant to Live" and the re-release of "Dare You to Move," sealed the deal for this band getting known.
Over the years the band has shied away from the Christian label as a band, but are not ashamed to say they themselves are Christians. They feel putting themselves in the box of Christian music hurts their overall appeal to all audiences, and that if they were regarded as a rock band everyone would be able to hear the message in their music.
The Devil Wears Prada

The Devil Wears Prada is a Christian metalcore band that has watched their popularity grow from year to year as they became one of the biggest bands in their genre.
Their name represents materialism in a playful way, "When standing before God, He won't care about your sweet Prada scarf or Gucci shoes or whatever," said singer Mike Hranica in an interview with High Wire Daze.
Who else can you think of that belongs on this list? Sound off in the comments.