2016 Presidential Campaign News: Chris Christie Announces His Run for President

New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie, who has been running the Garden State since 2010, has recently announced that he is going to be a part of the 2016 Presidential Election.

Christie made his announcement formally on June 30th at an event at Livingston High School, which is the same high school that he graduated from.

The Governor came on stage to the tune of Bon Jovi's "We Weren't Born to Follow", and announced to his supporters that he is the candidate that will tell it like it is. He also added that "this country needs to work together again, not against each other."

He bragged about his record as the governor, discussing his reforms in pension and tenure, and how he did it all without raising taxes in the state. He even threw a few jabs at Hillary Clinton, stating that the people in America who are tired of President Barack Obama, should not giver her the power to rule the country.

Christie was once considered a top runner to possibly be president, but since Bridgegate, his chances do not seem so good, according to a report from New York Times.

A poll showed that he only has a thirty percent approval rating in New Jersey, and he only had the support of five percent of likely voters in New Hampshire.

Donald Trump, a fellow Republican candidate has twice the support in New Hampshire.

He has a lot of work ahead of him, if he wants to face off against the huge number of candidates that will be running in the race to become the next President of the United States.