Music|April 06, 2015 09:07 EDT
2015 Lincoln Memorial Easter Sun Rise Service Brings Together 8,900 People in Faith for Resurrection Sunday [PHOTOS]
A record crowd attended the 37th Annual Easter Sunrise Service at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC on April 5, 2015, and organizers report an estimated crowd of 8,900 gathered to hear the message of the resurrected Jesus Christ.
Pastor Amos Dodge delivered a rousing message that had the congregation on the memorial steps and surrrounding area captivated. Special music during the service was provided by guest Michael Tait (NEWSBOYS), Tara Goodman, Sue Dodge and the Capital Church Choir & Orchestra.
One of the nation's largest Easter sunrise services, this Washington tradition attracts visitors from all 50 states and many foreign countries, with attendees gathered for one purpose - to celebrate the risen Savior, Jesus Christ.

The annual event is organized by Capital Church, pastored by Amos & Sue Dodge, along with the entire music and arts ministry of the congregation. The church first organized the event and has been conducting the service since 1979.
"When we began this morning service, we never dreamed that it would grow to this magnitude," Pastor Dodge said in a press release. "The idea to have an Easter Sunrise Service at the Lincoln Memorial seemed to be just a 'thought' at the time. Now I know it was a WHISPER from Heaven! Who would have ever dreamed that what began in 1979 would become a nationally known sunrise service with over 6000 in attendance and a Washington tradition!"