Trending News|November 03, 2014 10:59 EST
'Winds of Winter' Release Date, Plot Spoilers and Predictions: Book to Reveal Largest Battle for Iron Throne, More Marriages
Numerous predictions about George R.R. Martin's upcoming novel 'The Winds of Winter' are circulating online after the author recently spilled some hints about the 'A Song of Ice and Fire' series story.
It is being predicted that the upcoming novel may include very stimulating twists, including the biggest battle in the history of novel series.
Fans of George R. R. Martin's novels took to, to discuss a statement the author made to Entertainment Weekly recently.
Martin said, "I think we're gonna start out with a big smash with the two enormous battles." Fans have taken this piece of information as a hint that the story will include a major battle involving Ramsay and Stannis' clans.
One of the predictions regarding 'The Winds of Winter' says that Stannis Baratheon's claim for the Iron Throne will be one of great dedication, for as long as the throne exists, Stannis will seek to obtain it.
Martin has issued another statement leaving his fans to speculate the other possibilities in the novel. Martin mentioned, "We have more deaths, and we have more betrayals. We have more marriages."
A report by VC Post says that as far as the innumerable twists of elements of Martin's novels are concerned, planned weddings will be introduced from time to time with a view to generate massive chaos in the storyline.
Notwithstanding the expected proposal of Prince Rhaegar's son, fans hint that the grandest wedding would expose Arianne Martell and Aegon Targaryen. Meanwhile, Sansa Stark and Harry the Heir are most likely to be dedicated on the planned marriage.
Another speculation making the rounds says that Cersei Lannister decides to embrace the opportunity of one of her family members to be part of Stannis' family. Fans are wondering if this suggests that there will be another set of wedding bells. As far as the Lannisters are concerned, is there a possibility of Jamie and Brienne of Tarth also getting married.
In the meantime, George R.R. Martin has acknowledged that many are expecting the book to release prior to June 2015, he needs to push himself on writing faster. "So I need to write faster. The last two books took a really long time, so I'm hoping this one [the Winds of Winter] will go a little faster."
Nevertheless, it is expected that 'The Winds of Winter' will not be released soon, as George R.R. Martin speculated that it would finish it between 2015 and 2017.