BC News|August 23, 2014 09:48 EDT
NF Loves Battle Rap & Ed Sheeran; Christian Rapper Shows Lighter Side (INTERVIEW PART 3)
BreatheCast interviewed Christian rapper NF last week, and aside from some serious emotional music, he revealed some of his lighter, more fun side.
For starters, did you know NF is a huge fan of rap battles? He said he spends countless hours on YouTube watching battles and just can not believe the skill and special ability that some of these guys have. He was not quite sure he could even do it himself.
"I just haven't done it. It's not the same thing at all," he revealed, "When you watch a rapper, for me, when I listen to their songs, I don't like their songs, but when you listen to them battle, 'how the heck do they come up with that. It's so lyrical.' I'm interested in it. I don't know if I can even do it."
He was then asked at the possibility of being a Christian battle rapper, and if it is something that would even be feasible.
"There's so much you can't say. Your vocab and everything you can't say, shrinks down so small," said, "[You] Gotta be ready to deal with someone threatening to killing your family. Have to be creative, it would be hard. If you're good, you can get attention."
For the record, they do exist if you YouTube or Google hard enough.

NF was then asked about what he thought some of his best rhymes were, and while he could not think of anything specific, he said he is most proud of "All I Have," which was actually recorded last in the studio. He said he does most of his writing in studio, because by himself, he is a big critic. He credits the song for being unique, intense, and lyrical.
In the beginning of his early rapping days, he used to throw on a beat and freestyle a lot. He even had a group, which brought him to laughter just at the mention of it. "I had a group of buddies [we were] two white, two black, and called Double Stuffed Oreos," he shared while laughing. They were only about 13, and while he was very serious, they were not.
NF is more rounded in his musical taste than just hip-hop. He could not name his favorite albums or rappers, but goes moment to moment with his listening. His guilty pleasures of music include Ed Sheeran, Adele, and watching piano and acoustic covers on YouTube.
Other than that, he is working on a full length album, music video, and promises "some pretty cool stuff is happening."
"The EP is just the beginning."
Read the first two parts of our interview with NF here and here. Check out our album review here as well.