BC News|January 17, 2014 04:05 EST
Kanye West Inspires New Religion 'Yeezianity'; Pastor Says He's Not Surprised - 'People Are Spiritually Starving'
Kanye West has inspired some people to start new religion called Yeezianity, in which followers believe "that the one who calls himself Yeezus is a divine being who has been sent by God to usher in a New Age of humanity," according to the groups official website. A pastor responded to BreatheCast and said he is not "surprised" and believes it is a preview to "latter times."
According to Yeezianity's site and listed under the section, "Our Savior," is a picture of the rapper with some of the group's beliefs.

"His real name is never to be spoken.
He is known to us only as Yeezus.
He has shown the world the creative potential of a human being and he serves as a model for behavior and ethic," the list reads.
BreatheCast reached out to Pastor Steve Brower of Faith & Victory Fellowship in Freeport, NY to weigh in about Yeezianity.
"Now I've heard it all. Paul cautioned Timothy, when Timothy was still a young pastor: 'Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils,' (1 Timothy 4:1 KJV)," the pastor said.
Brower harkens this to the last days described in the Bible when false teachers spring from everywhere. He also feels the church needs to step it up when it comes to reaching the lost.
To become a member of Yeezianity, one has to believe in a few key principles that they call the "5 Pillars."
"1. All things created must be for the good of all.
2. No human being's right to express themselves must ever be repressed.
3. Money is unnecessary except as a means of exchange.
4. Man possesses the power to create everything he wants and needs.
5. All human suffering exists to stimulate the creative powers of Man."

"This is no surprise to me; we are in the 'latter times,' and people are starving for spirituality that can be received on their own level, and in their own jargon. I believe that today's church has to get with the times, and stop trying to reach people in today's culture using last centuries methods," Brower continued.
Hip-Hop recording artist and record producer, West, had created an alter ego that he named Yeezus and has built his latest music ventures around it. On his dark, moody vibes Yeezus album, West made many references to God. In one track the 21 Grammy Award winning rapper said, "I Am a God."
The group's founder, who wanted to remain anonymous claimed the religion is real.
"In a lot of ways, after I created it, I reflected on it and thought that this was just a rehashing of Christianity, but just throwing Yeezus instead of Jesus," he described to Noisey.
"And you know what? That's why I felt Kanye did it. He just put the name there. Jesus has all this baggage and all these connotations, and Yeezus is this new thing -- and that's why I say in the 'Our Savior' part of the site, 'We don't speak of his public persona.' Because Yeezus is when Kanye elevates to that God-level, which I feel like we all have the potential to do. That's why if it takes off, in the future, people would forget Kanye and his antics, and instead focus on what the message is" he continued.
Vice's Eric Sundermann also spoke with the anonymous founder of Yeezianity, Sudermann called the group "the first religion based on Kanye West."
When asked if the religion was real the Yeezifarian founder replied, "I believe in what it is, and that's real. But is there a real organized religion behind it? There is not. At first, I thought about putting on that it was - I thought that'd be more viral or whatever - but I'm not going to be able to uphold that."
When explaining the validity of the religion he continued,"right now, it's just an idea. I only created this a month ago, so we'll see where it goes. The idea has yet to get out there. Who knows what could come this way? But it's an idea, and before anything can manifest, it has to start as an idea."
The founder said he wants to remain anonymous so that the religion isn't focused on him.
"He is the most honest person in our culture. He has the highest moral standards and highest integrity. He is the most creative person. And as it's typical with creative people, he gets a lot of flack from the lower minded masse," he said about the rapper to Vice.
"Humans are gods," he added. The reason he named the "religion" after Yeezus is "because Kanye is the one who believes that the hardest, so that's why he's the model for behavior."

Is Yeezianity to be taken seriously? Should Christians be worried and offended with a few Kanye West super-fans? Please let BreatheCast know in the comments.