Good Talks|February 17, 2015 01:46 EST
Brittni Ruiz Trades Porn Star Past for Gospel Message; Works with XXX Church to Help Bring Adult Industry to Jesus [INTERVIEW 2]
Yesterday BREATHEcast introduced ex-porn star, now Christian, Brittni Ruiz as she shared of her struggles with family life, self-image, drugs, and of course the adult entertainment industry where she was known as Jenna Presley.
In part two of our interview, Ruiz speaks on how she was transformed and delivered from her demons. The actress turned ministry leader also shares her thoughts on purity, addiction, and XXX Church.
Picking up from the last article, Ruiz said she was at a crossroads in life where she contemplated suicide and tried to take her life several times.
In a previous interview with the Bad Christian Podcast, Ruiz shared one night while home with family she got high and began cutting herself. She then started cutting at herself uncontrollably until a voice told her to "shut the lights off." This voice gave her peace, and she did as she was told. This was God speaking to her, and the moment saved her life. Looking back, she truly believes had God not called out, one of her family members would have found her dead in the room.
Ruiz's first real encounters with God were through a trip to church with her grandparents and XXX Church, founded by Pastor Craig Gross. This ministry goes to porn's conventions and major events to evangelize to the performers. Their slogan is "Jesus Loves Porn Stars."

The ministry would bring her Starbucks, lip-gloss, and little Bibles with the book of John. Ruiz always liked them because of it, and said she was attracted to them and did not know why.
Despite the ministry's witnessing in the past and her insistence to leave porn behind by attending services and reading the Bible, Ruiz found herself back in the industry. However, she was not 100% ready to fully lay everything down to Jesus.
One of the main reasons Ruiz continued to do porn was social media. She kept her Twitter account with over 80,000 followers active. She spoke to fans and kept in touch with porn stars, "That was a mistake," she admitted.
With the temptation still around her it became easy to stumble. Then one day she read about Jezebel in Revelation 2:20 and became convicted on her way to shoot a scene. The verse states, "Nevertheless I have a few things against you, because you allow that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols." This verse resonated instantly as she said, "Today will be the last day."
Once she arrived to work, Ruiz told the directors, actors, and people on set that she was done. This time she held true to her word and has been out of the porn industry since November 2012. Initially, she debated a bit about deleting her Twitter for a few days before realizing it was the last link to her "old world."
"I said I'm done, and I'm done!" she exclaimed. Ruiz even went as far as calling AT&T to change phone numbers. The next step was to delete everything under Jenna Presley that she could. Her analogy for the "Jenna Presley name purge" was like a recovering alcoholic going to a liquor store or bar. In order to fully heal, all traces of temptation had to be avoided.

Now over two years later, Ruiz is sharing her testimony with anyone who would listen and even works with XXX Church.
"XXX Church is amazing!" she said excitedly. "Several years later I come to church and my now boyfriend brought me a magazine and said he thought I'd like it because he knew about my testimony."
It was a magazine that Craig Gross and the XXX Church created and she recognized the faces. She sent a thank you email to them along with a praise report about her life. Not more than 10 to 15 minutes later they called her and asked about meeting for breakfast. Since then, she has shared her testimony with them all over including the very porn conventions she once worked at. While there, Ruiz took part in handing out Bibles, candy, and being the smiling example of God's love that was shown to her.
"I love them, they are close friends of mine, we talk often and that's pretty much what I do with them," she said.
Ruiz has gotten mainstream media attention with her story and involvement with XXX Church as well. She made an appearance on 'The View' and was also part of an extensive article on Pastor Gross and XXX Church on Vice.
One of the first steps in Ruiz's journey to Jesus, was sharing her testimony with her home church, Cornerstone.
"I shared my testimony in my church with a congregation of 6,000 people," she said when asked if her past is ever too taboo or awkward for church. "For me it's not a burden to share with Christians."
She continued, "When I first came to the Lord I wasn't going to tell anyone I was in the porn industry. I was just going to be this little office receptionist and I'm not going to tell anybody. I started to feel really convicted by the Holy Spirit and He was just talking to me and saying 'Picture Jesus on the cross, and His hands and the thorns and the crowns around His head. He was literally humiliated for you.' I pictured Jesus and it broke my heart. The Holy Spirit said, 'was that enough for you?' And I said, 'It's more than enough'. Then He said, 'How dare you be embarrassed of what He delivered you from. Help people, set people free'."
From that moment on she realized not sharing her story would be a selfish thing to do. "Whatever it is, God delivered you for a purpose."
Ruiz said people love "underdog" stories because everyone is looking to see how we can overcome darkness and persevere. It is these stories that truly serve as inspiration in daily life.
"What I always say in Revelation it says we overcome the evil one by the blood of Jesus and the power of our testimonies. So if that's how we are going to overcome the Devil, God is going to bring people out of really dark places who are going to surrender to Him and are willing to build a relationship with Him who will have power in their testimony because they are truly living by His word," said Ruiz.
With certainty she can say her desires for drugs, alcohol, money, love, and acceptance are all gone. "I've completely surrendered everything to God. I know that if it weren't for Him, I would have taken my life and would have been in Hell...It would be selfish of me not to live a life according to Him to really help set people free from their addiction."
Unfortunately for Ruiz, pornography will always be linked to her name with just one click of a button, which is something "I'm just dealing with it." A fellow porn star turned Christian, Crissy Moran, has taken steps to get her movies and images removed the best she can. This is an action Ruiz will look into as well.
As for the future, Ruiz never gave much thought into acting, but with the flurry of Christian movies coming out it is something she would "be open to if the opportunity arose."
A book is also in the works but as of right now all she can say is it is in the "publisher's hands."
Currently Ruiz is dating, and leads the young adult ministry with her boyfriend. She has plans to one day become a pastor and has also made the decision to wait until marriage for sex. "When you are in love with someone, you love them for who you are," she stated before commending her boyfriend for looking beyond her porn past. "Is it sometimes hard for him to deal, I can only imagine, but God has given him the confidence with me."
"Sexual purity is so important because when you have sex with somebody you become one with them. I've experienced life not according to God...If you can make the decision to only give your life to one man or woman, you are going to avoid a lot of heartache, avoid the possibilities of unwanted pregnancies, STDs..." said Ruiz. "There was always this void and I felt so loved when having sex with men because in the moment I felt I was being loved. That's just lust. Love will selflessly give to you while lust will selflessly take from you. Sex before marriage is taking a piece of you."
Lastly, Ruiz has some strong thoughts about the bondage pornography seems to place on society.
"The world makes it seem like it is okay," she explained. "Kim Kardashian has a sex tape. Paris Hilton has a sextape. These people are well known. They make it seem like it's the right thing to do. We live in a world that is almost godless. I didn't know God growing up. I was told by the world it's okay to have sex with your boyfriend, it's okay to test it out. It's not okay. I think that the best thing that we can do is keep spreading the truth."
For more information on Brittni Ruiz, follow her on Facebook and Instagram.
BC thanks Brittni Ruiz for her honesty, openness, and willingness to share her story and answer any questions we through at her. Be sure to go back and read part one here.