X-Men: Age of Apocalypse Movie 2016 Release Date: Singer To Stay On Board For May 27 Premiere

Just after the recent X-Men: Days of the Future Past released onto the big screen, 20th Century Fox apparently made plans for the next installment, X-Men: Age of Apocalypse. The upcoming film will premiere on May 27, 2016, which competes with the Disney Alice in Wonderland launch. The X-Men franchise is speculated to continue its success at the box office with it's upcoming feature film.

X-Men: Age of Apocalypse has a long way to go before it hits theaters, but rumors have already surfaced saying that film director Bryan Singer may be replaced for the upcoming film.

Apparently the director has been having some legal issues that he would have to address, which jeopardizes his position as director of the franchise. It would be a disappointment considering his successful work on the most recent installment, X-Men: Days of the Future Past.

Luckily, screenwriter Simon Kinberg already confirmed that Singer will stay as director.

Kinberg recently told the Daily Beast, "Well, I don't really want to speak on anything outside the movie, but I believe Bryan created the template for the modern superhero movie. I remember where I was when I saw X-Men, and I thought he redefined the way people made comic book films. All the films that followed in the subsequent years, whether it be the Batman movies, the Spider-Man movies, etc., all took cues from X-Men, because he made it grounded, dramatic, really emotional, and somewhat political. He's the architect of new superhero movies, and I love what he did with Days of Future Past," Kinberg said as he worked closely with Singer.

If that is not enough to quench X-Men fans' desire for Singer as the director, he recently posted a photo on Instagram showing the status of the movie. It conlcuded that the film is underway and being produced; it's too late to turn back, the movie is definitely a go.

Great things are expected with the upcoming movie hoping it will surpass X-Men Days of the Future Past which is reported to be the highest grossing film of 2014 so far, with $712.7 Million - just beating out Captain America: The Winter Soldier. 

The film, according to Kinberg will have a mix of cast members, including Wolverine, "It will focus primarily on the First Class cast, but it will certainly have some of the original cast involved, too," Kinberg told the Daily Beast.