Families|February 05, 2014 10:40 EST
Who Won the Bill Nye and Ken Ham Debate Evolution vs Creation Battle? (Full VIDEO)
Prominent Creation apologist and bestselling Christian writer Ken Ham had a discussion on evolution at the Creation Museum with TV host and evolution expert, Bill Nye the Science Guy last night.
Ham is the creator of the Creation Museum. He has faith in the fact that the Earth was created 6,000 years ago and that the Bible tells the actual account of the universe's origin and the formation of human beings.
However, Nye and the rest of the scientific community believe that the Earth was generated by a big bang billions of years ago and that people have evolved throughout history.
"I just want to remind us all there are billions of people in the world who are deeply religious, who get enriched by the wonderful sense of community by their religion," said Nye to the audience adding. "But these same people do not embrace the extraordinary view that the Earth is somehow only 6,000 years old."
Nye stated that technology preserves America as a world leader and he is concerned that if creationism is taught to kids the nation would degenerate.
"If we continue to eschew science ... we are not going to move forward," said Nye at yesterday's debate to crowd in attendance adding. "We will not embrace natural laws. We will not make discoveries. We will not invent and innovate and stay ahead."
Ham presented the theater audience of approximately 800 people along with people viewing the discussion live on the web with slides supporting his Christian views.
"Creation is the only viable model of historical science confirmed by observational science in today's modern scientific era," said Ham to the multitude at the last night's debate.
In addition, He also presented scientists who he revealed were also creationists.
"I believe the word 'science' has been high-jacked by secularists," said Ham to crowd at his museum.
Various scientists were critical of Nye for approving to debate the head of a Christian ministry that is dismissive of the theory of evolution.
"Nye's appearance will be giving money to organizations who try to subvert the mission Nye has had all his life: science education, particularly of kids," wrote Dr. Jerry Coyne in his personal blog prior to yesterday's debate.
Dr. Coyne is a professor of evolution and ecology at the University of Chicago also mentions that the Ham's Creation museum will also selling DVDs of the debate which could be used as tool for evangelism.
Since the Evolution debate was publicized in early January, attention has been heaped on the Creation Museum and its directing ministry, Answers in Genesis, which is raising cash to build a theme park around a model of Noah's Ark.
The development was declared three years ago but fundraising has been sluggish and its groundbreaking date is in indeterminate state.
The Creation Museum revealed visitors from 29 states purchased seats for the Evolution debate.