SNL Skit Featuring 'Spider-Man 2' Actor Andrew Garfield, Parodies End Times Tribulation and Orders All to 'Bow Down' Beyonce (VIDEO)

A Saturday Night Live skit over the weekend about Beyoncé and featured Andrew Garfield, continued the quest to make the pop diva into an image in which people should worship and idolize.

Although the skit was meant for simple comedic purposes, it had very serious themes found in what Christians call tribulation. In biblical prophesy it states that if you do not take the Mark of the Beast you will be hunted down. This was very similar to how the government hunted down Garfield in the parody for not loving everything about Beyoncé.    

In mainstream media Beyoncé went from being a humble Houston native and a part of the girl group Destiny's Child, to an international pop solo star who is admired even by the first lady of the United States, Michelle Obama. Mrs. Obama told People Magazine in an interview earlier this year, "Gosh. If I had some gift, I'd be Beyoncé."

In Saturday's SNL skit, they depicted what might happen if someone ever dared to say they were "not a huge fan" of Beyoncé and all her music. In the sketch Garfield was hunted down by a government agency after he admitted he thought the singer's song "Drunk In Love" was just "okay."

In the wake of the season premier of "24" Kiefer Sutherland who plays Jack Bauer, and his partner on the television show, both made a cameo in the skit as well. They were both murdered for not being Beyoncé fans. "The Beygency" is after you, was the theme of the three minute segment. "The Beygency" was the government who hunted anyone down who not would accept the supremacy of Beyoncé or as the skit called her, "Queen Bey."

This sketch comes just days after Breathecast reported about a new real life religion founded in Atlanta, Georgia called "Beyism."

Although Garfield was out promoting his new film "Spider-Man 2," all the media could talk about from SNL was "The Beygency" spoof. "Bow Down To 'The Beygency," one headline reads. Some statements said, "The Best 'SNL' Sketch Of All Time."

Hitfix had strong words about the pop diva,"Beyonce and her music are perfect, she runs the world, and that is indisputable."

Watch the video below, the goofy "horror" sketch is rated NC-17, "for mild language against Beyonce."