BC News|January 22, 2015 05:09 EST
Pax217 Singer Says Reunion was 'One of the Best Nights of His Life'; Thanks 'Voices' for Support [INTERVIEW 4]
Pax217 frontman David Tosti took the chance to thank the band's fans, "The Voices," for rocking with them after so many years, and shared about the energy and emotions of their reunion show back in February of 2013.
The show took place at the House of Blues in Anaheim, CA, and was the first concert by the band since they disbanded in 2005.
"It was one of the best nights of my life for sure," Tosti said.

He was also happy his son and daughter got to watch him do his thing on stage for the first time. To him it brought to mind a memory he has about Wuv from P.O.D. The drummer's son would sit on stage, and would play along air drumming with headphones on as his father performed. "That's the coolest thing, I hope I can have a son to watch me play," he thought back then.
Tosti explained his parents were in a Christian band in the early '70s and they did not have any recordings or pictures so he never got to see them. When his son saw him, he said he was in awe like, "'I can't believe this is my dad, the guy I eat cereal with in the morning'."
It was a lot of work to put back together he admitted, and said the beauty is in coming back and doing it that one time. A lot of times a band comes back and does a reunion tour and they lose money and it flops. Pax217 wanted it to just be a party and "do it right."
"We were the best sounding band we had ever been. I felt like the best I've been in years...that shoe still fit."
He loved that all his post Pax217 friends got to see him rock out and see him as a totally different person, and also loved that he was able to see some old friends that used to frequent the band's shows when they were touring.
"Being able to do have a successful band for 10 years was such a gift. About 200-250 nights of my year was filled with energy and love from so many kids who connected with us and that still feels like a massive extended family," said Tosti, "The energy in that room was enough to power a small city. The most amazing thing was to look out into the crowd and see not just a bunch of faces, but people I had known for years...People who had been to show after show. That feeling is still surreal."
A band that was around during a similar time frame of Pax217 was Justifide. They have been broken up for a little over ten years but just announced they would be releasing an album filled with unreleased demos. So the question is, is Pax217 hiding anything from "The Voices?"
"After the self-released Check Your Pulse EP we had several songs that were in progress for the next record," he revealed. "Nothing really finished. Although there is one song that was pretty much finished and we never released called, 'Weightless'. It felt like a good evolution of our sound."
In conclusion, Tosti is just grateful for the life experience in the band and thankful to all who helped him live his dream as a musician.
"To the Voices, our fans, our friends, you are amazing people. Wherever you are today, doing life, thank you for what you gave us. I really think it was more than we were able to give in making music...keep telling your stories to the world and engaging everyone you see with love."

This concludes part four the final article profile on Pax217 frontman David Tosti. Check out part one where he speaks about why the band ended here. In part two Tosti spoke about the feelings behind both of his band's full length albums and some of the turmoil surrounding it. Read about that here. The third installment tackled the deep subject of "Why are there Christian labels and do we need them?" Read about it here.
Follow David Tosti on Twitter and Instagram @DavidTosti and on Tumblr here. For his professional service in photography check out his Facebook here.