Marvel Cinematic Universe News: Phase 3 Film Release Dates Pushed Back to Feature Spider-Man

With the exciting news of Spider-Man returning to Marvel, many fans are clamoring to know how and where we'll see the web-slinging hero utilized.

Marvel's grand release of their Phase 3 schedule has since been a bit altered with it having to squeeze in the return of Spider-Man, but all announced films are still set to be released.

Spider-Man's first appearance on Marvel's big screen will be in next year's 'Captain America: Civil War', in which he'll play a centerpiece role. This feature will usher the superhero into his own solo film in the following year.

With the addition of Spider-Man's solo flick the Phase 3 schedule is as followed:

May 6, 2016: Captain America: Civil War

November 4, 2016: Doctor Strange

May 5, 2017: Guardians of the Galaxy 2

July 28, 2017: Amazing Spider-Man 3

November 4, 2017: Thor: Ragnarok

May 4, 2018: The Avengers: Infinity Wars-Part 1

July 6, 2018: Black Panther

November 2, 2018: Captain Marvel

May 3, 2019: The Avengers: Infinity Wars-Part 2

July 12, 2019: Inhumans

Some very anticipated films have pushed forward with the return of Spider-Man which hasn't gone over well with some fans for various reasons.

"So immediately, we see that Thor: Ragnarock, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, and Inhumans have been pushed back. That's a bummer for those waiting to see Black Panther and Captain Marvel hit the big screen, and I empathize with the complaints I've seen about the studio acquiring yet another white superhero and bumping its minority characters to make room for him," writes GeekTyrant.

'Captain Marvel' and 'Black Panther' were set to be revolutionary films in the franchise, but it can be said that fans are just as excited if not more for the returning of everyone's favorite web-slinger.