BC News|February 25, 2013 11:47 EST
Grave Robber Brings Horror Punk to Christian Music

As we previously reported on BREATHEcast, Christian music is segmented just as much as, if not more than, mainstream music. That means that every genre of music has at least one Christian delegate - including horror punk.
The Grave Robber band is the brainchild of two musicians (known on stage as Wretched and Carcass) who choose to minister God's Word via a brand of frightening rock and roll a la The Misfits, Alice Cooper and Type O Negative.
"Carcass and I both came up with the idea, about the same time," Wretched said in an interview with HigherRockMusic.com regarding Grave Robber's formation. "We were actually in church, and the message being preached was from Romans 6, about being dead to the world, being dead to self, and being dead to sin. Immediately following, we took communion, which is symbolic of eating the flesh and drinking the blood of Christ. So, it was kind of...we're dead, and we eat flesh and drink blood...
"We thought, can we get away with it? Is it even possible to do a Christian horror band? We decided to pray about it and two years later we had our first rehearsal."
Despite influences by their secular rock counterparts, the guys of Grave Robber are quite serious about their mission through music. No matter how scary they may sound, they are trying to save people from an eternity that is far scarier.
Grave Robber's official bio explains perfectly:
Predetermined in the mind of The Reanimator at The Void, Grave Robber was unleashed upon an unsuspecting, pre-apocalyptic Earth, A.D. 2005.
As wounded and mutilated souls suffering curses unfathomable, death was their eternal verdict. Once submitting to The Reanimator as their Master, inviting The Ghost to indwell within them, and electing to die to themselves, the zombie slaves escaped the clutches of the grave.
Now, these devil's rejects arm themselves with sonic, vibratory executions and images of horrific realities, bringing an onslaught of sound and warning that will ring into eternity. Rest assured, you will be afraid. You will be very afraid.
Grave Robber is currently touring around their Fort Wayne, Indiana, homebase. Following is a list of upcoming shows. Visit the band's ReverbNation page for ticket details.
Monday, February 25, 8:00 p.m. - The Back Door, Moline, IL
Tuesday, February 26, 7:00 p.m. - Nathan P. Murphy's, Springfield, MO
Wednesday, February 27, 6:30 p.m. - Downtown Music, Little Rock, AR
Thursday, February 28, 6:00 p.m. - The Venue, Terre Haute, IN
Friday, March 1, 8:00 p.m. - Mahogany's Bar, Latonia, KY
Saturday, March 2, 9:00 p.m. - Club Panama, Springfield, OH
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