Emma Stone & Andrew Garfield Break Up Rumors: Too Soon to Say the 'Spider-Man' Couple Split?

Rumor has it that the Amazing Spiderman leading actor Andrew Garfield and leading lady Emma Stone have just recently broke up. The couple's break-up seem to be subtle and friendly as Emma Stone walks out of a gym after being elusive to the media, clutching a big-sized wallet and a banana to hide her face.

The iconic couple was always together during the three years they were dating, especially being seen at red carpets events. However, after the premiere for "Birdman" in New York City, Emma and Andrew were not seen during the Golden Globes Awards and even the Oscars. The movie premiere was purportedly the last time they were seen together.

A source tells PEOPLE magazine that "it is too early to say that their relationship is over." The couple could just be cooling off because of work apparent work schedules.

Andrew Garfield is currently on set for a Martin Scorsese's film called "Silence," under wraps in Taiwan. "He's thrown himself in the project to the detriment of all else," according to the unnamed source from PEOPLE.

"Emma understands his work anxieties-it's why she originally pulled out of Cabaret last year and only did it this year-but they're taking a break from seeing each other. They're both a slave to their schedules."

Meanwhile, as Garfield spends his work abroad, the "Easy A" actress is wrapping up a new film project called "Aloha" alongside Bradley Cooper set in Los Angeles.

Yet getting back together is still potential for both Emma and Andrew as soon as the latter finishing filming in May.

"It's one of those situations where only and Emma quite know if they'll pick up where they left off or they've separated. They are just separated for work, " said the source further.

Both of them remain very elusive to talk about their relationship. On a side note, and this time last year, both had talked about getting married after their long relationship.