'Captain America: Civil War' Cast News: Daniel Bruhl Talks Working in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

News last week has alerted us to the approaching production date for Marvel's next huge venture, after 'The Avengers' sequel, and that's 'Captain America: Civil War'.

Not only will we be able to witness Captain America once again in all his glory, but according to casting reports, we're bound to meet many first timers on the Marvel big screen including, Black Panther, Spider-Man, and the announced villain, Baron Zemo.

Recent news has let us in on actor Daniel Bruhl's casting for the movie, however it hasn't been revealed as to who he'll be portraying.

Wall Street Journal was lucky enough to sit down with the actor to discuss his excitement to enter into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He states:

"It's huge for me. From the world I am coming from and the movies I have done, this feels big-megalomania and huge. I think I will be walking around for the first week being amazed, like a little boy, to be in that universe. It is going to be fantastic. It is something new. That is why it is a challenge. But it is something I am very much looking forward to because this is entertainment on the highest level."

Bruhl hasn't been highly familiarized in the superhero genre yet, but his roles in action flicks such as 'Inglorious Basterds' and 'Rush' has proved he possesses the chops to do quite well.