'Avengers: Infinity Wars' New Movie Rumors: Sony Denies Spider-Man Appearance in Upcoming Film

Some conflicting information on the appearance of the Spider-Man character has arose once again, and fans are trying to get to the bottom of it.

Last Wednesday, it was stated by reliable sources, such as The Latino Review, that fans will see the web-slinging hero in Marvel's "Avengers: Infinity Wars," the last iteration in the Avenger series.

Sony has recently come to deny the rumors and describe them as "old rumors with no validity".

This response clearly conflicts with The Latino Review's side of the story.

"Latino Review's article stated that a long-discussed deal between Sony and Marvel Studios 'went through', and that Spider-Man would make his Marvel Cinematic Universe debut in 'Avengers: Infinity War, Part 1', scheduled for release in 2018. The outlet had no further details on the nature of Spidey's purported appearance, other than the character was also expected to return in 2019's 'Infinity War, Part 2'. The rumors quickly spread to numerous online outlets throughout the day," writes CBR.

The Latino Review claims the news wasn't at all an "old rumor" but a new one that popped up the day before.

From this information, one can assume that it's not a definite no on the character appearing in any Marvel movies, but that it just hasn't been confirmed.

Recent Sony hacks have confirmed that it was or is indeed being discussed. We also know that the two couldn't come to an agreement for the character in the upcoming 'Captain America: Civil War', despite Spider-Man's integral part in the storyline.

"In December, following the illegal hack on Sony, the Wall Street Journal reported on leaked emails between Sony Pictures President Doug Belgrad and Sony Motion Pictures co-chair Amy Pascal discussing a potential deal with Marvel Studios, to help boost the film franchise of the Marvel Comics icon," reports CBR.

What is likely to presume is more rumors being switched back and forth until a final agreement has been settled. The first "Infinity Wars" movie isn't scheduled until another 3 years, so there is plenty of time.