Andrew Garfield News: Former Spider-Man Actor Talks About His Long Hair

For months now, it has been evident that former 'Amazing Spiderman' actor Andrew Garfield has grown out his hair and it's apparently pretty long now. There are supporters of it, but there are also haters, including him surprisingly.

In a recent sit-down interview, Garfield revealed that he grew his hair not by choice apparently but because of his recent film 'Silence' which was reportedly set in Japan where he played a 17th century Jesuit Priest lost in the wilderness.

So that explains all the rumors about his hair especially since he was recently seen out with his former Spiderman co-star and girlfriend Emma Stone, having almost the same hair length. In an interview with E! News while promoting yet another flick titled '99 Homes' in theaters this September 25, Garfield revealed that "I'm very excited to," apparently cut his hair short once again.

"I had to kind of get lost in the wilderness [in Silence] so no barber shops in the wilderness in the 1600s in Japan," Garfield revealed adding, "I didn't find one anyway."

And with the recently reported news of Tom Holland replacing him for his role in the new Spiderman film, Garfield in another interview with Indiwire's The Playlist made a statement saying, "The pressure to get it right, to please everyone... it's not going to happen...You end up pleasing no one, or everyone just a little bit," he said.

"Like, 'Eh, that was good.' [The films are] mass-marketed, like 'We want 50-year-old white men to love it, gay teenagers to love it, bigot homophobes in Middle America to love it, 11-year-old girls to love it.' That's canning Coke," he added.

Frustrated about how it went with some things in his industry, Garfield continued, "So, that aspect of it was a bummer. Especially for the group of us trying to infuse it with soul, trying to make it unique, something that was worth the price of entry. It was about authenticity, flavor, and truth, but at the same time, I understand people want to make a lot of money, and they're going to spend a lot of money so the playpen can be as big as it was. I can't live that way; it sounds like a prison, to be honest, living within those expectations."

However, he did feel like Holland is a good actor for the role, "He's just a brilliant actor," He told E! News adding, "I can't wait to watch. I just can't wait to be a fan again and just watch and enjoy myself watching."