'Amazing Spiderman 3' Release Date Rumors: Sony to Launch Film Earlier than Expected?

If a recent casting call by Bill Beckman Casting on their official website is to be believed, Sony Pictures may release the third installment of the 'Amazing Spiderman' series long before expected. For now, the earliest possible release date of 'Amazing Spiderman 3' seems to be 2018.

According to Christian Today, Bill Beckman Casting recently announced that Sony Pictures has been looking for male as well as female extras aged between 18 and 65 years to feature in the purported upcoming Spiderman movie. However, the issue is that the call was made in Atlanta!

Meanwhile, Sony Pictures has neither confirmed nor denied the report. Now it remains to be seen whether Sony actually goes ahead with the movie, as the earlier installment of the franchise 'Amazing Spiderman 2' did not perform too well at the box office.

In fact, many were skeptical whether Sony would actually go ahead with 'Amazing Spiderman 3' after the 'Amazing Spiderman 2' received poor reviews. In fact, many fans were disappointed when the movie makers killed Emma Stone's character (Gwen Stacy). This may possibly have an impact on the success of the future installments of the franchise at the box office.

Meanwhile, some reports say that Marvel Studios is likely to take over the franchise from Sony Pictures. Although the two parties are said to be in talks, neither party has made any official announcement in this regard.

The casting call apart, some vague details regarding the purported plot for 'Amazing Spiderman 3' were made public recently. Both Andrew Garfield and Dane DeHaan are likely to be seen in the purported third installment of the movie, wherein Peter Parker/Spiderman will be seen confronting a new challenge to defend the City of New York and its inhabitants.

All said and done, all these are simply rumors at this stage, as neither Sony Pictures nor Marvel has made any official announcement or statement regarding the authenticity of the casting call, which may even turn out to be a fake.